Cash Savvy Construction

Home Sweet Home: Improving Our Quality of Life by Owning Our Own Property

August 30, 2023 | by



Owning our own home is the ultimate dream. Circumstances lead us to seek value that comes in owning a property, not just one that is shared in common.  Every couple should have a place where they can build their lives, make memories, and create a space that they can enjoy completely. But beyond the pride and sense of accomplishment that comes with owning a property, we know there are a host of other benefits that can greatly improve our quality of life. From the stability and security that comes with having a permanent address, to the financial advantages of building equity, owning a home is a game changer. In this blog post, I’ll explore some of the key reasons we wanted to own our property. 

5 Reasons to own property and your own home

Owning your own home is truly life-changing experience. Anyone who is already a proud homeowner or even in the process of saving up for a dream property can attest to this. Here are five reasons that lead us to owning our own home. They might just be the same for you. And if it is, don’t hesitate to begin that journey.

1. We saw it important to build equity for financial stability.  

Throughout the generation, our parents and fore parents considered owning your own home a milestone in life. Their advice has always been that there is nothing like owning your own home. Above all, homeownership is a symbol of financial stability and independence. Homeownership not only provides shelter but also offers a sense of pride, accomplishment, and security. Unlike renters – and I will add, individuals with shared property – homeowners can make decisions on their own without seeking out permission from others or begging for a letter of comfort from the renter.

One significant benefits of owning a property is building equity. What is equity? Equity is the difference between the market value of your home and the outstanding mortgage balance. As you make mortgage payments, you reduce the outstanding balance, which increases your equity. Over time, your home’s value may appreciate, further adding to your equity.

Our understanding is that building equity can be an essential part of your financial stability. In the long run, equity can help you achieve other financial goals such as retirement, education, and emergencies. Owning a home provides us with a sense of stability and control over our living situation. Renters are subject to the whims of landlords, who can increase rent, change lease terms or even decide to sell the property, forcing tenants to move. Even ownership in common is not secure, because one can be forced to sell the property and move out.

2. We wanted to design our own home.

We wanted creative control over our own home design. We wanted to own a property so we can make changes to it to fit our personal style and needs in the house plan. We can add a new room, paint the walls a different colour, renovate the kitchen, or create a unique outdoor living space; we have the freedom to do so. This level of creative control is what makes a home truly ours.   

3. We wanted our own personal space.

Having our own property will give us a sense of security, privacy, and personal space – that can greatly improve our quality of life. The privacy that comes with owning your own home is unmatched, as you have the freedom to control who enters your property. This can provide a sense of safety and comfort that renters and even shared ownership may not experience, as landlords have the right to enter their rental properties for inspections or repairs. In addition to privacy, owning your own property can also increase your overall security.

As homeowners, we can install security systems, cameras, and even fences or gates to control access to the property. These measures can provide peace of mind and a greater sense of control over our living situation, which can have a positive impact on our mental well-being. Personal space is another benefit of owning your own property. As an owner, we have more control over living space, and we can tailor it to meet our needs and preferences. Our space can truly reflect our personality and unique tastes, making it a place where we feel comfortable and relaxed.

4. We wanted to feel that we belonged to a community.

Owning a property is a significant accomplishment that can positively impact an individual’s overall quality of life. One of the primary benefits of owning a home is the sense of community and belonging that comes with it. We wanted to establish roots in a close community and create meaningful connections with neighbours.

5. On the whole, owning a home can help reduce stress and improve well-being.

We are quite certain that owning your own property can be a rewarding experience that has the potential to improve our quality of life. One of the most significant benefits is reduced stress and improved well-being. This is because owning your own home provides a sense of stability and security, which can reduce anxiety and stress levels. Thus we look forward to making a living space our own and feeling a great sense of comfort and belonging.

Note: Studies have shown that homeownership can also have a positive impact on your mental health. Homeowners tend to have a greater sense of control over their living environment, which can reduce feelings of helplessness and anxiety. Having a place to call your own also provides a sense of pride and accomplishment, which can boost self-esteem and improve overall well-being.

In addition to the psychological benefits of owning a property, there are also practical advantages that can improve your quality of life. For example, owning a home can lead to financial stability and independence. Rather than paying rent to a landlord, you are investing in your future by building equity and increasing your net worth. This can lead to a greater sense of financial security and a reduced reliance on others for housing. Owning your own property is extremely satisfying.


We believe that there’s nothing quite like owning a home that truly reflects your personality and style. It’s not just a place to live – it’s a place to call your own. Whether you’re settling down in a community or tackling a fun DIY project, there’s a sense of achievement and satisfaction that comes with being a homeowner. It’s a chance to put down roots and create a space that you and your family can cherish for years to come. So, if you’re still on the fence about making the leap into homeownership, it might be time to explore your options and see how it can enhance your quality of life. We’re excited to take that step and create our own little slice of the world.

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