Cash Savvy Construction

Discover the Rewards and Challenges of Building Your First Home with Our Journal Blog.

August 30, 2023 | by



We are on a journey of building our home. It is an exciting yet daunting task. The Cash Savvy Construction website chronicles our experience under the “My Journal”category. We hope this part of the website will eventually be a valuable resource for anyone embarking on a similar journey. Our journals are written from the perspective of novice homeowners, chronicling their experience and emotions of building a home from start to finish. It covers a wide range of topics, including choosing building materials, designing the layout, and dealing with unexpected challenges.

Construction and Renovation Advice

When it comes to home construction and renovation, there’s no shortage of hurdles to overcome. That’s why we started Cash Savvy Construction – to share our experiences and help others navigate the process. But it’s not just us doing the talking. We also feature advice from our fellow homeowners, because let’s face it sometimes you just need a good dose of community support. But our website isn’t just a place to commiserate over construction headaches. We also share our research and insights on practical topics like insulation choices, roofing materials, and finding trustworthy contractors. Because let’s face it, nobody wants to be taken for a ride by a shady builder who promises the moon and delivers a crater. So whether you’re a veteran in the construction business or a newbie looking for some sage advice, Cash Savy Construction can be quite helpful.

Sharing our experience

We are still on this journey, and we agree that designing and building a home can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be!  Stick with us while we share our personal experiences and insights on everything from choosing the right contractor to picking out the perfect paint colour. So come with us on this journey and learn more about designing and what makes a house a home.  We will share our ideas and our decision-making process for things like floor plans and finishes, so you can see how we made our home work for us. 

And if you’re ever feeling stuck or overwhelmed, check out our “Design Dilemma” section for some helpful solutions to common design problems. Our goal is not only to build our dream home without losing our mind, but to help others see that it is possible.


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